Fuzzy little things that I find interesting.

Political musings from someone who thinks the S-D curve is more important to politics than politicians.

Month: January, 2017

Just a random thought regarding the firing of Attorney General Sally Yates.

Remember that the executive branch of the government answers to the chief executive of the government, which is, according to our Constitution, the President of the United States.

And right now that happens to be President Trump.

I have always marveled in the past when various members of the executive branch of the government defy the President yet keep their job. This would never happen in a corporation: for good or for ill, publicly humiliate the boss, and you find yourself in the unemployment line.

How this reality never applied in Washington D.C. was always beyond me.

It’s also true that at many corporations, reorganizations are commonplace. At the company I’m now consulting for, they routinely reorganize the top tier about once or twice a year. This organization would think nothing of firing–and obliterating the career–of someone who didn’t play well with the CEO or with the C-suite.

It’s very odd to me how many on the left are reporting this as a coup d’etat, as if somehow those appointed by the Obama Administration and who theoretically serve at the pleasure of the President are somehow entitled to keep power after a lawful democratic election decided to hand power to the other party.

(Remember: the pendulum of political power swings between the two parties on a regular basis: the harder one party holds back that pendulum to force it to their side, the harder the pendulum swings to the other side. So one could argue a President Trump is the result of the left’s attempts to prevent conservatives from ever having a turn at the reigns of power.)

Take the article linked to above:

The Guardian is reporting (heavily sourced) that the “mass resignations” of nearly all senior staff at the State Department on Thursday were not, in fact, resignations, but a purge ordered by the White House.

Suppose it was.


I mean, if we saw this back in 2009 when Obama took office, eliminating dozens of senior Republican party apparatchiks in order to install people loyal to the Obama Administration, would people be spilling kilobytes of virtual ink talking about the horrors of the current administration?

Do you want 8 years of President Trump? Because this is how you get 8 years of President Trump: by acting as if half this country are a bunch of neanderthals trying to stage a coup d’etat at the voting booth, then throwing a temper tantrum like a 5 year old–calling to take the moral high ground while vandalizing property and burning cars during the inauguration while chanting “Not My President.”

And you get 8 years of Trump by acting as if a legitimate election was a “constitutional crisis”, and having a panic attack when the Presidency–the chief executive officer of the United States, whose power was greatly expanded by the previous President to the point where executive orders were occasionally overturned by the Supreme Court for lacking any basis in law or in constitutional authority–has been handed over to someone who knows how to wield executive power.

Just a random thought regarding all the protesters upset at President Trump’s various executive orders.

Remember: a President of the United States cannot create new law. All they can do is give their sense as to how existing law can be interpreted or enforced. So when President Trump signs an executive order calling for a halt in allowing people from 7 countries from entering the United States for 90 days in order to review the processes in place to vet those people, all he is doing is giving his sense as to how an existing law (in this case, a law signed by President Obama in 2015) should be enforced.

So where were today’s protesters in 2015?

Or is it when a Democrat does it, we don’t care, but when a Republican does it, it’s horrible?

After all, even before this executive order, several of the stories we are hearing, about people visiting one of the 7 countries identified in 2015 not being allowed to enter the United States, would have been detained anyway.

And this extends to a larger point.

A lot of shitty things took place under President Obama’s administration, especially when it came to the dealing with international affairs (such as Syria’s sinking into a civil war as part of a proxy war Obama walked away from), or when it came to dealing with refugees from over seas (such as sharp limits imposed by both parties on refugees, or limits on people coming in from the seven countries identified by the Obama administration).

Yet the press didn’t give a shit. Protesters didn’t care.

We also saw a lot of shitty things take place in other areas under President Obama as well, ranging from the free flow of guns to Mexico (helping make things less stable there) to the deterioration of the treatment of blacks (and the uptick in the murder of police officers in reaction).

Yet the press didn’t give a shit. Protesters didn’t care.

And while I’m now glad many of these issues are starting to surface, I can’t help but think:

The press doesn’t actually give a shit. Protesters actually don’t care.

All they care about is the much shallower effort to score political points, instead of standing by any sort of civic principles or moral or ethical ideals.

I’m actually an open-borders guy. I personally think the path to citizenship to becoming a full citizen of the United States should take no more than a year–far less than the three years it currently takes (under an Obama Administration framework) for refugees to enter the United States. I think we should be taking far more refugees than the handful of thousands the Obama Administration offered to take. And truth be told, I don’t think taking in millions of refugees (yes, millions) would have the horrible effects even Democrats claim if we were to take in (say) 100,000 refugees.

That’s because the United States is a country founded on a principle of equality, rather than by a tribe of people with a common culture and religious belief. It’s why the United States can absorb people from countries around the world–people who so quickly become hyphenated Americans that we don’t give it a second thought. It’s why we have areas in major cities labeled things like “Chinatown” or “Little Tokyo” or “Little India”–areas where people settling from another country brought their culture and food and styles and opened shops. It’s why salsa (from Mexico) has overtaken ketchup (arguably from China) as the dominate table sauce for foods.

There is no arbiter of language for the American English Language (unlike the French Language, which is maintained by the Académie Française). There are no serious attempts by organizations to preserve “American” culture–an effort which would require us first to define which culture is “American” in the first place. (Is it Californian costal culture? The culture of the Amish? The Mormons of Utah? The Deep South? The Appalachians? The Yankee culture of the North-East? The hustle and bustle of New York or Chicago?)

We are a melting pot. Those who worry about a region of the country being dotted with Mosques blaring the Adhan forget we already have regions in our country dotted with Synagogues and Temples and towers capped with the Angel Moroni, ringing out bells playing music calling the faithful to prayer. Those worried about a religion calling for legal exemptions forget we already make exceptions for Christian Scientists and Native Americans and Quakers seeking not to serve in battle and for Priests from testifying to the content of a confessional. Sacramental wine was exempted from the 18th Amendment.

So why one group of people should scare us is sort of silly–though it follows a well-established pattern we see throughout history where a group first arrives and is detested as a threat to civil order, only to be seen as part of the American fabric a generation later. (We see this pattern with the Germans who came to Pennsylvania in the early 1700’s–who became the quintessential American, giving us hot dogs and apple pie. We see this with the Irish. We see this with Blacks after the civil war. We saw this on and off with the Jewish population, despite the fact that Jews have been part of the fabric of the United States since the very beginning.)

Which is why the restrictions put in place by the Obama Administration, now being blamed on Trump, concern me.

And it’s why the protestors anger me–because it’s clear they honestly do not care. If the laws opening the door to travel restrictions put in place as early as 2011 were stopped as they were making their way through Congress, we wouldn’t be talking about Trump’s actions today. There would be no law backing his executive order.

But no, no-one gave a fuck.

And, as far as I can tell, no-one–especially the ones now blocking airports across the country and protesting Trump–give a fuck.

Hypocrites, the whole lot of them, because if Hillary Clinton had won the Presidency–would they be out protesting a similar action?

No. They would not.

Do you want 8 years of Trump? Because THIS is how you get 8 years of Trump: by clearing acting in such a hypocritical fashion that your entire liberal-progressive political movement has rotted out into a hallow farce of naked power-seekers relying on organizations whose only constant is the ability to print large protest signs and construct amusing gigantic puppets and chant “hey hey, ho ho, blah blah blah has got to go” as if we were still in the 1960’s.

To the protesters who are now protesting the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America.

Do you want Donald Trump as President for 8 years? ‘Cause this is how you get Donald Trump for 8 years.