Fuzzy little things that I find interesting.

Political musings from someone who thinks the S-D curve is more important to politics than politicians.

Month: September, 2018

I had an epiphany about ice.

So the question arose elsewhere, “why do American restaurants give you so much ice in your drinks?”

Here’s the thing. In the early 1800’s through the early 1900’s, there was a booming trade in ice. Someone figured out how to build insulation so they could transport ice a long distance–and the ice trade started: an entire industry devoted to slicing up large chunks of ice from fresh water lakes, and shipping that ice around the world.

For a time, the ice trade represented the third largest industry (by GDP) in the United States.

It even led to the invention of one of the most luxurious products one could conceive of at the time: sweetened ice tea–which combined three of the most expensive products one could buy in the south: ice (imported from Norway or the northern United States), sugar (which was hideously expensive and often imported from India or Brazil), and tea (which was also hideously expensive and imported from India).

But then we invented refrigeration. With refrigeration one of the first things we invented was a way to manufacture ice. For a time there was even competition–with “natural ice” providers claiming “artificial ice” was inferior. But over time, cost won out, ice makers proliferated, and ice–once a luxury product, was everywhere.

We then forgot ice was a luxury product.

I think the one thing that sets Americans apart is our constant striving to democratize luxury products.

Ice a luxury product? Here’s bucket-fulls of the stuff, to the point where you don’t want any anymore. Sweetened iced tea a luxury drink in the South? Here’s a 32-ounce tub of the stuff for 99 cents. Chicken a luxury product? Let’s industrialize the raising of chicken, so chicken becomes one of the cheaper meats.

Hell, look at Angus beef–once a luxury beef product, now offered for $3.49 at McDonalds.

Mark my words: in 20 years, Wagyu will replace Angus as the next democratized luxury product.

And I think that sets us apart. Americans like to take something rare, expensive, premium and hard to get–and mass produce it for everyone. To the point where it almost becomes a joke–like the thousands and thousands of hotel ice makers offering free ice to its customers.

Worse, we have a habit of overdoing it. A couple of ice cubes are rare? Here’s a machine full of ice. Angus beef is a premium breed of beef? Here’s a triple-decker hamburger. Air conditioning a luxury? Fresh fruit? Here’s a tub of the stuff. And salt used to be worth more than gold–now we eat so much of the stuff it’s killing us.

So that’s America in a nutshell: we have to democratize luxury to the point where it’s virtually worthless, and we have to indulge in the excess.

It’s no wonder the rest of the world thinks us mad.

If all this is true, the FBI should be dismantled as an agency.

When I got a security clearance years ago (because I was considering taking a job which required one) I went through a fairly thorough background check. One that apparently involved interviews with family and friends. As you move up to more and more sensitive jobs or more jobs which require the public trust, the background checks become more thorough: folks just don’t pull your credit report and do an Internet search; special agents are sent into the field to interview everyone they can find and ask pretty detailed questions about your life.

And they have to do this because if something untoward comes up in your background history, you may be blackmailed by someone later on, forced to violate the public trust in order to cover up your history.

One odd fact about this, by the way. The government doesn’t give a damn what is in your background–only if you can be blackmailed. If you are a transsexual activist in your spare time who is in a plural marriage with a man and a woman and regularly visit sex clubs–the government only cares if you keep this secret. If you’re out and open about it, there is nothing here to blackmail, right?

The agency who does the background check on a supreme court nominee is the FBI.

What this means is that if all of the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh are true–including the latest that he ran a gang rape circle while in school where he and his pals would spike punch and rape girls spanning 10 separate parties, then one thing is incredibly clear:

The FBI is completely incompetent.

And probably should be dismantled as an agency.

Now it doesn’t mean the field offices should be dismantled; the FBI employs quite a few good agents, though I suspect the right answer there may be to either devolve those bureaus to state control. Or perhaps pull them out and have them answer to Homeland Security directly.

But the central Washington D.C. office certainly has a lot to answer for. And probably should just be dismantled, it’s employees fired on the spot.

Because if during an extensive background check where you are supposed to go out and look through yearbooks, find friends and acquaintances, and interview them extensively about this guy’s background–and you cannot come up with the fact that this guy ran a fucking rape ring means you’re not doing your god-damned job.

Of course it is possible the FBI uncovered nothing because the allegations–many of which are anonymous allegations about anonymous events–may not be true.

But if they are, this represents a serious failure of the FBI to do its job. Sufficiently enough so that at the very least, a thorough audit of the FBI and its practices is warranted. Especially since the FBI is required to vet all other Trump appointees, and if they can’t uncover a rape ring–God knows what other shit they can’t uncover.

I’m sure Democrats will want to get right on that.

I’m starting to think the Government needs to shut up about dietary advise.

New Research Confirms We Got Cholesterol All Wrong

A comprehensive new study on cholesterol, based on results from more than a million patients, could help upend decades of government advice about diet, nutrition, health, prevention, and medication. Just don’t hold your breath.

The study, published in the Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, centers on statins, a class of drugs used to lower levels of LDL-C, the so-called “bad” cholesterol, in the human body. According to the study, statins are pointless for most people.

Statins also have a whole bunch of nasty side effects. Raise your hand if you’ve seen the “statin shuffle,” a shuffling gate by someone on statins. Throw in pasty skin, and statins causes all sorts of visible and nasty side effects–so even if lowering cholesterol helped with your health, the nasty side effects of statins balances all that out.

(That’s because statins interfere with the operation of mitochondria in the cells of your body.)

We also are now learning–after decades of being lectured to–that only a small subset of the population are sodium sensitive and need to monitor their sodium intake. And it turns out the scientist whose “research” drove Michelle Obama’s school lunch recommendations was guilty of academic misconduct, and asked to step down at Cornell.

And despite years of being told otherwise–and having weight both demonized and having our “poor eating habits” moralized by the cluck-cluck-clucking of the perpetual army of busybodies who disapprove of our lifestyles–it turns out that carrying a little extra weight is actually beneficial for older adults. That’s because as older people become susceptible to disease, having extra weight means you have an extra cushion against diseases which may trigger wasting. And in fact thin older people (those with a BMI less than 23–which for a 5’10” male translates to 160lbs or less) need to have increased health monitoring as they are at greatest risk of premature death.

But I want you to notice something, despite all the research here that suggest otherwise:

The busybodies who have nothing better to do than tell you want to eat, monitor your weight and disapprove of your lifestyle choices won’t shut up. Even when the research is shown as either incorrect or worse–the result of academic misconduct.

And I’m starting to think people just need to shut the fuck up about what we eat. After all, notice the obesity crisis didn’t start until we started seeing various “wars” against different food groups.

That means shutting the fuck up about everything. Shut up about “fast food.” Shut up about alcohol. Shut up about sugars, fats, carbohydrates. Shut up about frozen foods, restaurant foods, just shut up about all of it.

If you’re concerned about your weight–thanks to all the moralizing we’ve been getting for decades, we’re all concerned about our weight–then just be a little more mindful about what you eat, and try to eat a little less of it.

And get some exercise while you’re at it.

(This last bit is as much a reminder to myself as it is advise to anyone else, since I’m not exactly the poster boy for healthy living.)


This may be considered an illegal voter qualification IQ test…

Why college students don’t vote absentee? They don’t know where to buy a postage stamp

“One thing that came up, which I had heard from my own kids but I thought they were just nerdy, was that the students will go through the process of applying for a mail-in absentee ballot, they will fill out the ballot, and then, they don’t know where to get stamps,” Lisa Connors with the Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs said.

“That seems to be like a hump that they can’t get across.”

The focus group included college interns from across numerous county departments.

“They all agreed that they knew lots of people who did not send in their ballots because it was too much of a hassle or they didn’t know where to get a stamp,” Connors said.

THE POST OFFICE!!! You buy them at the Post Office!!!

I’d say if they’re too stupid to know where to buy a stamp, they’re too stupid to vote–but that may be seen as an illegal voter qualification test.


It’s almost as if the whole “#metoo” movement was started as a cynical attack on President Trump and as an attack on the GOP in general, that horribly blew up in the Left’s face.


I mean, look at the people who found themselves in “#metoo jail” who the Left would rather grant a “get out of jail free” card:

Left Tries to Figure Out How to Bring Back Al Franken

Hell, it’s just a matter of time–given how much money he helped raise for Democrats such as Hillary Clinton–that we see Harvey Weinstein’s greasy attempts at redemption…

It’s like going to Los Angeles and lamenting the lack of old people.

About Those “Vanishing” Forests…

Most people think—and charlatan environmentalists are happy to reinforce the impression—that deforestation is taking place on a massive scale, that the world is literally going to run out of trees. I have noted from time to time the data from the United Nations Global Forest Resource Assessment (UNGFRA) that has found that deforestation stopped at least 25 years ago, and that net reforestation has been taking place.

Changes in land use and land cover considerably alter the Earth’s energy balance and biogeochemical cycles, which contributes to climate change and—in turn—affects land surface properties and the provision of ecosystem services. However, quantification of global land change is lacking. Here we analyse 35 years’ worth of satellite data and provide a comprehensive record of global land-change dynamics during the period 1982–2016. We show that—contrary to the prevailing view that forest area has declined globally—tree cover has increased by 2.24 million km2 (+7.1% relative to the 1982 level). This overall net gain is the result of a net loss in the tropics being outweighed by a net gain in the extratropics. …

Well, that’s because environmentalists redefined the problem about 25 years ago by talking about the disappearing old growth forests. Those are forests, by the way, which have the oldest trees.

The thing is, like people, trees also die of old age. The longer the forest has been around, the more likely it is to have burned to the ground, to have suffered disease or rot, or for trees just to, well, die of old age.

Of course a lot of forest cover is being cut down in the tropics–by people seeking to clear land for farming or cattle. To feed their populations.

And a major reason why we’re seeing more trees in the “extratropics” (read: places like the United States) is for the simple reason that as people climb the socio-economic ladder (as we have in the United States), we have more space for “luxuries”, such as the resources to worry about planting more trees because we like trees. (Even in places like Raleigh, with its surplus of trees, the city budgets planting even more trees along right-of-ways. Because trees are pretty.)

While for us Americans the act of planting a tree seems nearly for free–trust me, in most of the world, especially in those parts of the world living on less than one dollar a day–the simple act of planting a tree is a luxury.

You want to help the environment? Allow people the freedom to climb the socio-economic ladder through hard work and effort and through property rights protections and stable political institutions that allow people to take care of themselves.

My guess, by the way, is when the problems with Venezuela end–and when you think folks there have hit rock bottom, the socialists under President Maduro wryly quip “hold our beer”–so “the end” may be a very long time from now–we will see an environmental catastrophe that rivals the worst horrors of the former Soviet Union.

It’s probably a good time to start tuning out the major media.

I’m not suggesting, of course, not following the news.

There are some excellent sources of news out there, of course. For business news I watch CNBC, there are a few blogs on the left and right that I follow, and there are some interesting international web sites such as 38 North which follows developments with North Korea, or South China Morning Post to follow developments in China. Even major media outlets provide good reporting if you filter for it: Reuters provides decent general world coverage, as does the BBC, so long as you’re willing to filter out the anti-Trump slant expressed by many world leaders with an agenda.

But some news outlets such as the New York Times, the signal to noise ratio has gotten pretty bad.

And this seems by design.

Suppose the NYT editorial suggesting the invocation of the 25th amendment and the exaggerated theatrics of the Kavanaugh hearing are part of a media strategy — let’s call it purposeful madness — deliberately designed to counter the Trumpian messaging innovation.

Trump has succeeded in part by disrupting the MSM’s narrative. He simply refused to play by their rules and they had no counter, until now. Cory Booker may have given the briefing away by admitting his job is jam the jammer.

The new liberal strategy is not to argue but to confuse. Create phantom objects, devise imaginary plots, sow intrigue, all with the view of giving Trump “a taste of his own medicine”. They reckon that by reducing the battle to pure noise output the Mighty Wurlitzer will win.

The problem with this approach is that it multiplies chaos and essentially fries the normal comm channels. Nobody gets the “word” because there is no word, unless that word is Noooooooo!!!

There is a second component to the liberal strategy: a deliberate attempt to be unpleasant, increase anxiety and induce an atmosphere of crisis. The goal is to inflict deliberate pain, a pain that will only go away if you give them what they want.

The Constitutional Crisis will not go away, indeed it will get intolerably worse until they get what they want. A judge once asked Charlie Sheen asked him why a man like him would pay for sex, he replied: “I don’t pay them for sex. I pay them to leave”.

In other words, the deliberate strategy is to piss you off–make you uncomfortable, make you mad, obfuscate policy arguments, engage in ad-hominem attacks–until the Left get what it wants.

We are not a country on the edge of a constitutional crisis. There are no matches waiting to burn the Reichtag down, the current administration is not waiting to “disappear” opponents or “suspend” democracy. There are no “enabling acts” waiting to be passed.

If you ignore President Trump’s twitter feed (which seems to be a direct line to Trump’s id), the current Administration seems to be respectful of constitutional limits: punting back contentious issues (such as DACA which is arguably an unconstitutional presidential executive order) back to Congress for proper handling (passing the DREAM act, which is a congressionally passed DACA that Congress has thus far failed to pass). Aside from a relentless attempt at turning back Obama-era executive orders and Obama-era laws, and ignoring the relentless posturing by the Left (who has its own barely hidden agenda of forcing Socialism down our throats), the Trump Administration has been a fairly middling-to-conservative administration that has, in some corners, embraced more liberal policies (such as advocating for more liberal paid family leave policies than those that currently exist).

What we’re experiencing is not a constitutional crisis. We’re not seeing the collapse of the country–the DOW is up to record levels, job growth is great, average salaries (a trailing indicator) is up nearly 3% in the last report, a survey of CEOs suggest we are in the best economic environment in over a decade. Crime continues a general downward trend, infrastructure is being worked on, police officers still respond to 911 calls, legal immigrants are still legally immigrating.

If you ignore the constant drumbeat about the horrors of Trump, the wave of Left-wing protesters who have taken to the streets in their perpetual Two Minute Hate, and the insistence that things are going into the shitter by opinion piece writers who ignore the statistics being published by the BEA or the BLS, frankly things are going pretty good for the average American.

No, what we’re experiencing is the Left having a massive political temper tantrum.

And like a 3 year old child, it ain’t going to shut up until the Left gets what it wants, or until the rest of us learn to ignore it.

It’s not to say there aren’t problems, of course.

China is on the edge of an economic meltdown which, combined with its desires to expand Chinese influence around the world is a recipe for massive disaster.

Germany and the Eurozone is going through a political phase in part driven by the Syrian disaspora, driven by Obama era foreign policy failures, which threatens the stability of the European Union.

Britain still faces massive problems thanks to Brexit and the failure of British politicians to negotiate a successful exit.

Syria may go through a second humanitarian disaster, with the use of weapons of mass destruction (chemical weapons) on rebel targets.

Turkey continues its slide into anti-democratic authoritarianism as former party leaders of opposition parties are being arrested and jailed on terrorism charges.

A presidential candidate in Brazil was stabbed.

An earthquake in Japan knocked out power to 5.3 million people.

The world’s economy remains soft–and if you ignore the economic growth in the United States, things around the world are getting slowly poorer and meaner.

But you wouldn’t know this if you followed most news outlets.

Someone needs to alert the Unicode folks.

Today I learned this symbol means “white power” or some such shit:


Someone needs to alert the Unicode folks, because they have it coded as “U+1F44C: OK hand signal.”

Next, we’ll learn that this symbol, which for years we have mistakenly thought meant “everything’s good” really means “kill all black people.”


And we’ll learn that this symbol, which for years we mistakenly thought meant “luck” or the desire for luck, really means “ship all hispanics to Mexico.”


It’s just so hard to keep up with the Social Justice Warrior folks and with the leading edge of progressive realizations as to human nature.

Though I can’t help but think if you’re the only one hearing the dog whistles, it’s because you’re the dog. And if you are the only one hearing the dog whistles, I only have one symbol to show you:


(That’s U+1F595 if your browser isn’t displaying it. Look it up.)

The Importance of “Fuck You”

For those seeking to save enough money to retire, this is the best video **EVER**!